Five ways social media trends can predict Catastrophes




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#1. When nations will collapse

The CIA can identify, using social media, whether social unrest is apparent in the whole of the community, or if it is just the result of vocalization from a few people with little genuine support for their cause.

#2. How many psychopaths are among usĀ 

A paper from Cornwell University announced that psychopaths have a unique writing and speaking pattern. After analyzing speeches of psychopaths and non-psychopats murderers they found that psychopaths are more likely to use the word ‘um’, and to use more cause-and-effects words like ‘because’.

#3. When the job market will collapse

Just by analyzing the amount of complains on their respective social media channel, researchers were able to predict how the unemployment trend in the U.S. and Ireland would rise or fall. Researchers analyzed status updates and tweets where people discussed their career of income, and assigned a ‘mood score’.

#4. When the stock market will crash

Social scientist Johan Bollen was able to measure the mood states of Twitter users through the ‘Google- profile of mood states’. He analyzed 9.7 million tweets over the course of ten months and established a reliable baseline of ‘Twitter mood’. When the researchers compared the tweets to the Dow Jones industrial average, they found out that the Twitter mood calmness synced with the fluctuation of the stock market, but three of four days in advance. The algorithm can predict with a 86.7 percent accuracy.

#5. Where epidemics will break out

Google Flu Trends tracks online complains of flu-like symptoms by monitoring the related terms like headache, temperature etc. and plotting them against location. There is a much greater chance of a viral outbreak where the search rates are higher.

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