A free mobile app that help you to identify toxins in your personal care products!




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Have you ever wondered what might be lurking within your cosmetics and skin care products? Think Dirty might have the answer!


Think Dirty, a free unbiased product-comparison iOS app for personal and skincare products. It educates consumers on the potentially toxic ingredients in the cosmetic and personal care products they are purchasing. It also provides easy-to-understand info on the product, its ingredients, and cleaner options.

“We all use so many products, and even when we look at the back of the label, we don’t understand what’s in them because we’re not chemists,” said Lily Tse, the founder of Think Dirty.


Just by scanning the barcodes and the shoppers will know whether the product is “dirty” or “clean” based on third-party data from a combination of sources including nonprofit science and several government and environmental organizations. Think Dirty also team up with breast cancer fund to raise awareness of the potentially toxic ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products. Through the end of October, Think Dirty will donate $1 for every product scanned, up to $20,000, to the Breast Cancer Fund as a part of their 30 Days of Dirty Campaign with Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.

I found this app is really interesting, since I use so many personal care products from head to toe on my daily life. Even though the list of ingredients already stated in the back of the products, I still have no idea of how it might harm my body. So by using this app, people can make informed purchasing decisions.

See this video below to know more about how the app works!




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