Blockchain and AI in the fashion industry: the opportunity for new sustainable standards




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The fashion industry is among one of the most polluting industries in the world, responsible for 8 to 10% of global carbon emission, which is more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined. Fast fashion is strongly grounded in a linear way of production, with a  supply chain expanded over different geographical regions.  Overall, the supply chain in fast fashion is very disconnected; large corporations have suppliers and manufacturers spread all over the world, which leads to a large lack of  transparency and accountability for production processes.  Much of the unsustainable practices in fashion is due to lack of traceability, transparency and accountability that corporation’ have across the supply chain.

As a result, consumers are demanding more transparency about the production process and origins of clothing.  Firms as Zara and H&M are increasingly responding  to such consumer pressures, like for instance with the launch of sustainably sourced product lines.  Nevertheless, technological innovations are providing promising solutions for the lack of transparency in the fashion industry, and enabling an opportunity for the industry to become more sustainable. Innovations like blockchain and AI can enable connectivity and share information on corporate production processes increasing traceability and transparency, transforming the standards in the industry.

Blockchain enables track & trace technology and advanced inventory management, so that the great disconnected in the fashion supply chain can be more physically connected and transparent. Fashion corporations can track the movement of raw materials, fabrics, suppliers and manufactures, which increases the accountability of various players in the production processes that normally is difficult to achieve. This enables the needed transparency that incentives new sustainable standards.  Company’s like Pantagonia and Everlane are leading  sustainable company’s in fast fashion using sustainability and transparency as a selling point creating competitive advantage.

It will be very interesting to spot how emerging technological innovations are going to impact the fashion industry. It is without a doubt that these innovations can be used to create new sustainable standards that the public is demanding. But will this opportunity be enough for corporations to truly adopt new sustainable standards and move towards sustainable change?

DRIFT (2018) The transition to good fashion. Report for C&A Foundation and Fashion for Good. Available at
Forbes, (2018)

The Economical Times (2019).

Weill, P. and Woerner, S. (2013). Optimizing Your Digital Business Model. [online] MIT Sloan Management Review. Available at:

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You Think You Can Fake It Till You Make It? VeChain Will Make You Think Again.




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Are you tech savvy? Are you a neophile? Perhaps you are, perhaps you are not. But if you are using internet or social media, you have most likely heard of ‘BitCoin’. And if you heard of BitCoin, you heard of ‘Blockchain’, the buzzword of the year 2017. The blockchain technology is believed by some to be capable of disrupting the global financial system. But did you know it is also capable of disrupting the supply chain system?

VeChain Foundation is a non-profit company based in Singapore that leverages the blockchain platform to offer enterprise-level digital solutions. The company has successfully implemented solutions across various industries such as agriculture, liquor, and luxury goods. Recent exciting collaborations, however, show VeChain’s penetration into other industries such as insurance, telecommunication or automotive. The focus of this post will be on the luxury goods industry.

The lucrativeness of the luxury goods industry is the biggest reason why high-end companies became the victims of counterfeiting. Online counterfeiting cost luxury brands more than 30 billion dollars in 2017. However, not only companies are the victims of counterfeiting, but also their customers. To tackle the issue and help both businesses and customers, VeChain establishes a personal connection between luxury brands and customers and enables the traceability and transparency of the supply chain. That is, VeChain enables a user to track a whole journey of a product in real-time. Furthermore, the immutability of blockchain ensures that once data are logged into the platform they become unchangeable and thus, ensures the authenticity of the product.

Luxury brands are one of many partners of VeChain. The company is gaining a support from the public as well as private sectors. For example, the Chinese government partnered up with VeChain to receive a drug and vaccine traceability solution after the vaccine scandal. Other partners include Renault, PwC, Givenchy, BMW, Unilever, Kuehne & Nagel, DB Schenker and many more.

VeChain appears as a promising platform but why is its price dropping? Is it just another hype or will blockchain eventually transform the way businesses operate?




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