Have printed travel guidebooks come to an end?




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Almost all travellers have them on their bookshelf: Lonely Planet, Rough Guide and many other travel guide books. These guidebooks have been important information sources for travellers all around the world. But with smartphones, tablets and websites such as Tripadvisor.com are printed travel guidebooks still relevant?


Up-to-date information

First of all, it is very costly for publishers to keep travel guidebooks up-to-date. In addition, in this fast paced world a travel guidebook is already outdated before it even hits the bookshelves (Hodson, 2012). As a traveller in a foreign country relying on the information in these books it is important to have up-to-date information. It is such a shame when you have travelled so far for a particular restaurant or sight mentioned in the book, only to find out it is not there any more. Sales of printed guidebooks in the U.S. have been declining since 2007 (skift.com, 2016). This is an indication that the demand for travel information is shifting from offline to online. On the internet you can find up-to-date travel information on tour operators, restaurants and hotels, because information can easily be edited. There is a growing amount of apps, websites and blogs filled with travel related topics. Also, the information you find on the internet is at no extra cost, while a guidebook can easily cost you a lot of money.


Opinions of hundreds of travellers

Furthermore, a problem with printed guidebooks is that only one writer or a couple of writes decide which companies make it into the book. Their opinion can be ambiguous. While travelling though South America, I have heard stories about authors writing about places they have not even visited. Whereas on a website such as Tripadvisor.com travellers can read reviews and opinions of hundreds of travellers. There is a shift in what is important for the travel industry. Before they had to focus on getting into a popular guidebook to try increase sales but now ratings and reviews are popular as ever. It is not uncommon that a tour operator or restaurant owner will ask you to please write a review for them on Tripadvisor.


In my opinion, the answer is no. Printed travel guidebooks are no longer relevant. You can find so much more information on the internet. It is easy, cheap and the information is up-to-date. Why would you still carry guidebook kilo’s in your backpack?





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