Remember Trump? He just made a surprising move…




Trump just made a surprising move, did he change his mind about global warming?

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Did I just put use a picture of Trump to get more views? Maybe, but let’s not focus on that.

You’ll all probably heard Trump’s bold statements about global warming. Don’t know what I’m talking about, let’s take a look at one of his famous (of course) Tweets: “Ice storm rolls from Texas to Tennessee – I’m in Los Angeles and it’s freezing. Global warming is a total, and very expensive, hoax!” (Donald Trump 2013) .

However, he might have changed his mind about this as he just invested 62 million dollar in Concentrated Solar projects (James Temple 2017). Like me, you might not have the slightest idea what concentrated solar is about, so let’s start at the beginning.

Maybe I make a bold assumption here but I’m going to assume that you guys don’t think that global warming is just a faux invented by the Chinese. Please leave a comment if you think otherwise!

As we’re already seeing the effects of global warming it is important that we don’t aggravate it. That’s where Renewable Energy, identified by McKinsey as one of the twelve disrupting technologies, comes into place. McKinsey defines Renewable Energy as: Generation of electricity from renewable sources with reduced harmful climate impact. 

photovoltaic power plants

Well, where you might not have heard from concentrated solar, you might have heard from photovoltaic power plants. A photovoltaic power plant can be seen in the right.

However, a significant drawback of this technology is that it only works when the sun is out. Just as that windmills only work when there’s wind.

Concentrated solar solves just that problem. A concentrated solar power plant uses thousands of mirrors to concentrate the sun’s energy and heat water to produce steam and generate electricity. As it is coupled with energy storage systems, such as heated molten-salt tanks, it can provide power even when the sun’s not shining (Richard Martin 2016).

To quote Trump again: “Eventually we’re going to get something done and it’s going to be really, really good.” Yes, it is out of context, but he might just have made the first step regarding global warming.

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DeepDrumpf for the win!




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The fact that posts coming from Twitter bots are becoming more realistic is exemplified by Deep Drumpf. The Deep Drumpf account on Twitter is built on a deep-learning algorithm known as a recurrent neural network, that is trained on speech transcripts, tweets and debate quotes. The Twitter bot has over 20,000 followers as well as 12 million views. The bot is named after a remark from John Oliver about the laste name of Trump’s ancestors.

The bot was created by Bradley Hayes, a robotics researcher at MIT. Trump was specifically chosen to study as a response to a training model that can simulate Shakespeare, as Hayes argued that it would be a fun process to model while learning modeling techniques. How it works is that the bot creates tweets starting with a random letter and consequently adds the letters that are most likely to follow, until it hits Twitter’s word limit. While the tweets that the bot produces do not always make sense, most of the produced sentences are coherent and recognizable as Trump’s. The bot has even sent replies to messages posted through Trump’s real account, while taking the context of those messages in account.

Hayes has recently added another purpose to the bot. Deep Drumpf campaign website is now used to raise money for GirlsWhoCode, an organization with the aim of bridging the gender gap in fields such as technology and mathematics.

In the future Hayes wants to develop Twitter accounts for other presidential candidates and make them talk to each other to simulate debates. If you want to judge yourself how good the bot’s algorithm works, go to Also feel free to let me know what you  think about this development in the field of Twitter bots and its future.


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