We Chat, They Watch




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Imagine living in the most advanced and restrictive content-filtering Internet regime, also known as the Great Firewall, in the world: welcome to mainland China. As of the implementation by the Chinese government in 2008, the country blocks Internet users in China from visiting quite an extensive list of foreign websites (Chandel et al., 2019). Such giant censoring and controlling mechanisms ensure that both online and offline the same political values, ideals, and standards are enforced on the population while maintaining China’s infrastructure independent of outsiders (Economy, 2021). Anyhow, with no Twitter, no Facebook, no Google, or YouTube, the internet vacuum was eventually filled in Chinese copycats of those platforms. 

One of them is WeChat, which is a super app combining all functions and different Western platforms in one application. What once emerged as a voice messaging platform transformed into a ubiquitous app, with over 1.29 billion active users per month (Statista, 2022). Essentially, within the app there is a variety of functions, basically containing anything you may want to do online, ranging from audio and text messaging, WeChat moments (which is similar to Instagram or Facebook’s timeline), order food delivery, to booking a doctor appointment, reading news, and paying bills (Boyd, 2019). All in one single, integrated application, a convenient and transformative technology you’d say. You’re basically never leaving the app because there is no urge to.

Sounds pretty great, right? Well, using one app to do all these activities enables WeChat to collect a staggering volume of personal data, that Google, Amazon, and Facebook all combined have not been able to achieve. This offers WeChat an immensely powerful and unique position in the market, as it possesses one of the most valuable data resources (Wu & Chingman, 2022). Nevertheless, still positioned within the Great Firewall, WeChat must share its data with China’s cybersecurity law to support the ruling of the Chinese Communist Party to control its citizens and censor speech (Wu & Chingman, 2022). Though previous evidence shows no censorship among users not registered under China-based phone numbers, experiments oppose the opposite, as it reveals that even non-Chinese accounts are subject to surveillance (Knockel et al., 2022). So, be aware because they are watching. 

Have you ever used WeChat, or are you familiar with it? I use it occasionally to communicate with family members residing in China and to text my parents because they rather use WeChat than WhatsApp. However, I’ve never known that WeChat has been such a big and powerful, but censoring app deeply integrated into users’ daily lives. No wonder why I see so many Chinese people using it. Would you say it is a super app? Or…


Boyd, C. (2019, January 21). WeChat: The evolution and future of China’s most popular app. Medium. Retrieved 25 September 2022, from https://medium.com/swlh/wechat-the-evolution-and-future-of-chinas-most-popular-app-11effa5639ed

Chandel, S., Jingji, Z., Yunnan, Y., Jingyao, S., & Zhipeng, Z. (2019, October). The Golden Shield Project of China: A Decade Later—An in-Depth Study of the Great Firewall. 2019 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC). https://doi.org/10.1109/cyberc.2019.00027

Economy, E. C. (2021, July 7). The great firewall of China: Xi Jinping’s internet shutdown. The Guardian. Retrieved 25 September 2022, from https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/jun/29/the-great-firewall-of-china-xi-jinpings-internet-shutdown

Knockel, J., Parsons, C., Ruan, L., Xiong, R., Crandall, J., & Deibert, R. (2022, January 24). How International Users Unwittingly Build up WeChat’s Chinese Censorship Apparatus. The Citizen Lab. Retrieved 26 September 2022, from https://citizenlab.ca/2020/05/we-chat-they-watch/

Statista. (2022, July 27). Number of active WeChat messenger accounts Q2 2011-Q1 2022. Retrieved 25 September 2022, from https://www.statista.com/statistics/255778/number-of-active-wechat-messenger-accounts/

Wu, Y., & Chingman, Y. (2022, September 22). WeChat warns users their likes, comments and histories are being sent to China. Radio Free Asia. Retrieved 26 September 2022, from https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/wechat-09082022183307.html

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The Winner Takes It All – WeChat




5/5 (1) In September 2016, the messaging app WeChat had more than 768 million daily users. 50% of these users use WeChat for at least 90 minutes a day and 35% of their total mobile use was spend on the WeChat application (WeChat, 2016). In recent years, WeChat has become one of the largest platform communities in the world. WeChat is currently dominating the mobile internet in China and will continue to do so in the future. In order to understand WeChat’s long-term strategy this informative article will mainly focus on the recently introduced feature of WeChat: the WeChat Mini Programs.

But first, for the people who do not know WeChat that well, you should know that WeChat has become more than just a messaging app. Besides its messaging feature, WeChat’s other main features are (Bhagat, 2017):

  1. WeChat Moments – WeChat’s main social media feature
  2. WeChat Pay – WeChat’s in-app pay feature
  3. WeChat Game – WeChat’s games feature

There are many other features (fun fact: there is even a “Go Dutch” feature that allows users to easily split bills and pay using the WeChat Pay feature), but they will not be covered in this article.

This article highlights the WeChat Mini Programs functionality, because it has the potential to disrupt the application industry. In short, the WeChat Mini Programs enables (third party) apps (so called mini programs) within the WeChat app. One of the main advantages is that users do not need to download or install the mini programs. This will lead to phone storage and time savings for the users. Furthermore, the development of a mini program is faster and cheaper (Brennan, 2017). In the following video this new feature is further explained:

The mini programs can also be extremely powerful for SMEs. For example, a restaurant chain could develop a mini program that allows customers to browse through the menu, order food, pay the bill and “Go Dutch” all within the same app. This new feature offers endless new opportunities for companies (for more examples click here). However, there are also some limitations for the mini programs. For example, the mini programs have fewer possibilities than normal apps. Also, the use of QR codes is very common in China, but not outside of China. Therefore, it would be harder to implement this system outside of China.

In the lecture of yesterday we saw some examples of companies opening up to third parties. This led to an enormous increase in market cap. With WeChat opening up to third parties by allowing them to build apps within WeChat, it has a great potential to grow as well. Especially when you take the network effect into account (more users using mini programs will lead to more mini programs, which will lead to more users etc.). With the introduction of this new feature, WeChat is also taking on the App Store and Play Store, because probably less (especially Chinese) people will download apps from both stores. Creating the mini program platform WeChat also has a new source of income. In this triangular platform (between users, companies and WeChat) WeChat could charge companies to increase their revenue. In conclusion, Mintor (2017) argues that WeChat is transforming into a new mobile operating system (OS) and could even compete with the IOS and Android OS in the future.

I agree with Mintor and believe that this could be WeChat’s long-term strategy. Please let me know your thoughts about WeChat’s mini programs in the comment section!


Bhagat, R. (2016, 29 september). 5 WeChat Features That WhatsApp Should Really Use. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/rahilbhagat/2016/09/29/5-wechat-features-that-whatsapp-should-really-use/#1806fc837eea

Brennan, M. (2017, 1 februari). WeChat Mini Apps by Matthew Brennan, China Marketing Summit 2017 [Video]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjBc_3bHbJQ

Minter, A. (2017, 19 januari). WeChat’s App Revolution. Retrieved from https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-01-19/wechat-s-app-revolution

WeChat. (2016). The 2016 WeChat Data Report. Retrieved from http://blog.wechat.com/2016/12/29/the-2016-wechat-data-report/

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