Facebook Outage; Did we really lose a part of our life for 5 hours?




5/5 (1)

On the 4th of October of 2021 the world got shocked by a global outage of one of the most famous social media platforms in the world, Facebook. Facebook has recorded 2.8 billion monthly active users around the world. Its power is such nowadays that some countries, such as North Korea and China, have banned its use to their residents. However, Facebook is not just a simple social media platform that operates on its own. Facebook has acquired in the past other famous social media or networking apps, such as Instagram and Whatsapp, which have a total amount of 1.386 billion and 1.6 billion users respectively. Facebook has not only acquired platforms though, but it has also managed to develop platforms on its own such as Messenger and Oculus, which have become popular worldwide.

During the afternoon of the 4th of October of 2021 (CET), Facebook began displaying some error messages to users in some parts of the world. That could also be perceived as a normal degradation since it has happened in the past again but in a matter of minutes Facebook would look into it and the problem would be totally restored in a relevantly small amount of time.What happened the evening mentioned above though can be considered extremely odd since it seemed that Facebook, and its family of apps, such as Instagram, Whatsapp, Messenger and Oculus, stopped working for good for more than 5 hours. For some users, who may not use Facebook extensively, an outage for some hours may not seem like a big deal, but for some others or even for some businesses that heavily depend their work on such platforms it may have caused severe damage. What is interesting to see is what could cause such an outage and what are the implications of this when it happens to one of the biggest companies in the world.

After the operation of the apps was restored and everything was back to normal, Facebook apologized publicly about the big technical problem and its implications that had to several users and businesses. The company also admitted that the cause of such an outage were defects due to changes that happened to its internet infrastructure, which causes data to flow among its data centers. The defects caused a stop in communications between the data centers, thus resulting in a “halt of services”, as Facebook stated. The problem was so big that even internal systems crashed and stopped working, resulting in employees of the company having trouble even communicating with other colleagues in order to solve the problem more efficiently. Eventually, workers did not even have access to the server areas due to security systems not working.

A big portion of people use Facebook and all of their family apps, as the main tools to communicate with their friends or family, entertain themselves or get updated for news around the world. In some countries, using Facebook has become equivalent to using the Internet. Facebook is also used by a lot of people as the only way to log-in to different apps that they use daily. All of these capabilities were lost for an amount of time.

Apart from people using it for recreational purposes though, apps such as Facebook or Instagram have been the key operating point for a lot of businesses. Many companies use these platforms in order to reach their customers and sell their products. Other companies, such as the advertising ones, rely their core processes on offering advertisements only through social media. Smaller companies also usually take orders online through social media. Even professions that may not sound as usual as others, such as professional gamers and streamers use the platforms as main source for their revenue and at that time they were not able to do anything. As it is normal, businesses recorded medium to massive losses while all the aforementioned apps were down and out of operation.

In conclusion, an approximate outage of 5 hours led to revealing the huge impacts that there might be when people rely extensively on certain apps. People that have as a habit to scroll through the apps or businesses that operate mainly through the same apps may end up having huge implications if a bigger outage occurs. Is it time for people to reconsider if they should rely their everyday lives or work on such platforms and rethink if there are other ways to operate more efficiently in the future? I would appreciate it if you let me know what your views on this topic are in the comments section!


Nytimes.com. 2021. Gone in Minutes, Out for Hours: Outage Shakes Facebook. [online] Available at: <https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/04/technology/facebook-down.html> [Accessed 5 October 2021].

Research, C., 2021. Facebook Fast Facts. [online] CNN. Available at: <https://edition.cnn.com/2014/02/11/world/facebook-fast-facts/index.html> [Accessed 5 October 2021].

Backlinko. 2021. How Many People Use Instagram? 95+ User Statistics (2021). [online] Available at: <https://backlinko.com/instagram-users> [Accessed 5 October 2021].

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4.5/5 (8) 50k views and counting, how to get MASSIVE views!!!





Hello fellow BIM students,

Some of you might have noticed that certain posts are getting massive amounts of views.

all time high

The first thing that pops into your mind might be that these guys are actively sharing their content on social media. This is unlikely though because getting this many unique views on one post in one day (see images below) is really really hard to accomplish through that method.

13k views one day

13k views one day

The next possibility you might think about is that they are hiring a group of people through some view boosting website like the one below.


However, we are all students, meaning that we have low budgets and would rather spend our money on partying, Netflix/Spotify subscriptions and other more rewarding activities. So I don’t consider this option viable in our situation.

So how do the top posts get their crazy amount of views? Did they press F5 non-stop for a couple of weeks in order to reach the top?

f5 broken

There must be some sort of secret method to their success. In this post, I would like to share my easy method with you guys to help boost YOUR view count up to 5k, 10k or even 50k! Let’s go!

Step 1: Decide the post that you want to boost!

This is obviously a very basic step, in order to get views on a post, you need to have posted at least some content. In this example, I use a very basic article I wrote about IBM’s supercomputer Watson (check it out: http://bit.ly/2y71SxK).

IBM watson article 2


Step 2: Download the Opera browser and open the blog post in multiple tabs!

Viewbotting on 5 tabs

Step 3: This is where the magic comes in, download the Super Auto Refresh extension for Opera!

Super Auto Refresh extension Opera

Step 4: Start the Extension and make it run on all tabs at a speed of 30 seconds!

Super refresher extension Opera browser

Why do I give you guys the advice to run it on 5/6 tabs max at a speed of 30 seconds? Because I encountered many many errors on the first days using this method running it at faster speeds. These error messages, see below, cause not only me but every other user trying to access the website to experience problems.

Internal Server Error

Service Unavailable

So if you don’t want a group of angry students chasing you because they couldn’t upload their blog posts please take this advice.

IS blog troubles

Step 5: Get some spare laptops, plug them into their chargers and don’t touch them for a couple of days/weeks!

This will help you feel like a real hacker and boosts the feeling that you can join Anonymous because you know your computer stuff.

3 laptops setup


Step 6: Watch your article reach some magic milestones! You are finally reaching the top of the list!
1000 views mark

2000 views mark






Step 7: Sit back and relax, you did some really awesome hacking and can now enjoy your success for the rest of your life! You will always be remembered as that BIM student that knew how to reach the top!

all time high

As much as I enjoyed abusing the view count system behind https://digitalstrategy.rsm.nl// I would like to give some quick advice to the website admin. As soon as I realized that F5 views were counted as unique views although they came from the same IP-Address I started to look for ways to maximize my view count. I think that this in no way reflects the quality of my blog post and can actually destroy the intention of this web page. So to prevent things like this happening in the future please try to cap the number of views per IP-address or find some other way to achieve this.

Thanks for reading guys and enjoy your road to success!

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AIVD reading your Whatsapp messages?




5/5 (10) This year Whatsapp decided to use end-to-end encryption for all whatsapp messages in following of their concurrent Telegram. This to protect the privacy of all users and ensure the users that their private messages keep private.

This week Rob Bertholee, the CEO of the AIVD (Dutch national security agency) spoke out in an interview that the AIVD wants the power to crack the encryption of Whatsapp. According to the AIVD the increasing use of information-encryption leads to problems regarding to the prevention of terrorism. The ideal situation for the AIVD would be to have an oversight of the whole criminal network, provided by their phone network history.

But of course this raises again the security versus privacy discussion. How much privacy is your safety worth? Should the AIVD have insights in everyone’s personal messages to protect the country?

History doesn’t prove that spying is the right solution. Before Whatsapp decided to encrypt their messages, people made use of PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) telephones. The government got the rights to crack these and since then they use them as prove in court for criminal cases. This should make the process more easy, but has so far disappointing results. A lot of criminals use aliases to stay anonymous and if they handled secure, the messages weren’t retraceble.

I would like to plead that privacy is not dead (yet) and that analyizing personal messages isn’t the right solution to protect citizens. Privacy is crucial for self-identity and autonomy. (Focault, 1977) (Wolf, R. D., & Heyman, R. ;2015).

“Privacy is the claim of individuals, groups, or institutions to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others” (Westin, 1968).

Also if the AIVD gets access to the messages, it is not sure how they’ll analyze the messages. Which false-positive ratio would be acceptable? And for what extend of time can they store the information? Another raising question is how they can ensure the security. Once there is a crack, the security of the messages is much harder to maintain.

What do you think? Would you let the AIVD read your messages? Does privacy still excist and if so, where do we draw the line?




Wolf, R. D., & Heyman, R. (2015). Privacy and Social Media. The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society.

Foucault, M. (1977). Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison. Vintage.

Westin, A. F. (1968). Privacy and freedom. Washington and Lee Law Review,25(1), 166.

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Your Romance Is So Boolean…




3.89/5 (19) Chances are big you have ever tried an online dating application. Or at least considered one. It no longer is a taboo if you met your fiancée through the world wide web. Online dating applications such as Tinder, OkCupid and Match have millions of users per day. They range from testosterone driven adventure seekers to incurable romantics. Nonetheless, they are all searching for the perfect match.

In the quest of finding this perfect match, users have many conversations and look at even more profiles. This creates an enormous amount of valuable data. But how can we use this data? Will data analysts become the new Cupids and brew love potions? Is it even possible to catch abstract concepts such as love and romance in algorithms, in order to find a perfect match?

According to Christian Rudder, founder of OkCupid, the problem is not in the algorithms, but in the data itself: “My intuition is that most of what users enter is true, but people do misunderstand themselves.” That is where big data comes into play. Why would we ask people to fill in questionnaires, would it not be better to find this data statistically?

Nowadays, we know so much about a person through analysing their behaviour on the internet. On a dating profile, one can easily state he loves classical music. However, his Spotify-history or iTunes purchases could reveal he actually listens to pop music most of the time. Everyone knows how important a first impression is. If you are not into snobs, why would a dating applications even bother to show people with a Ralph Lauren loyalty card?

Big data offer enormous opportunities to online dating application. At the same time, these opportunities raise serious issues. What about privacy concerns? How will such an influence affect people’s social skills? Would you like to be introduced to your future wife by your computer?



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The battle of Image Messaging.




3.5/5 (2) In august, Instagram released its Stories feature, allowing its users to take, edit and post photos or videos that disappear in 24 hours. This caused a wide spread debate considering the fact that Instagram didn’t hide Stories was copied from Snapchat. In fact, Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom even admitted that the Stories where a direct imitation by saying that Snapchat deserves all the credit.

However, next to the obvious similarities, the image massaging platforms also have a lot of differences. Instagram’s Stories for instance have a much wider reach. Where Snapchat is the ‘new guy’, Instagram has double the users as Snapchat, users who come to life because of these Stories. Because you already have your followers on Instagram, it’s easier to get your Stories to a larger crowd. As an example, Nike generated 800.000 views in 24 hours for an Instagram Story, posted on the first day the feature was available. The most popular post of Nike on Snapchat got only 66.000 views.

Where Stories is better at some areas, Snapchat beats it at others. Snapchat is, apart from the basic Instagram Stories drawings and colour filters, big on its geofilters, face-mapping filters and motion filters. Snapchat also has a much better approach for advertising. Where Instagram doesn’t have any non-aggressive space for companies to advertise trough Stories, Snapchat created a whole separate page with plenty of space for companies to advertise.


Joining the game

WhatsApp also noticed that the photo editing feature in social media is getting more and more important. Therefor they released a function that allows users to draw on their photos and videos.  They also added the option to put stickers on top of your photo, again just like snapchat. However this could possibly be a distraction for a bigger issue, since WhatsApp received a lot of criticism when it changed its privacy policy in order to share user’s phone numbers and data with Facebook.


Who do you think is going to win the game?

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Could this be the beginning of the end for Whatsapp?




4/5 (1) We all heard the rumours that Whatsapp soon will start to use its app as an advertising platform for businesses. Furthermore, we have all been confronted by the lack of privacy which comes with the use of social media. Suggestions have been made that due the encryption of our messages in the Whatsapp software our privacy might be gone. The encryption of the messages sent via Whatsapp are vulnerable to session hijacking. With a large sum of the total communication (37%) done with the messaging system Whatsapp this issue, among others, might decrease the usage of this software (Katescomment, 2016). (Sanchez, 2013)

What should happen would a replacement for the current communicating software arise? Tomorrow, the 20th of September, Google will introduce a messaging app, Allo.

About Allo
The messaging app can be described as pretty similar to Whatsapp; the software is free and available for android, Iphone and Windows phone. The main difference is that the new software will feature a Google assistant. The assistant is a new conversational interface to get information from google whilst using the messaging app to make the conversation more engaging.

Although the chat app is fairly new and limited operational knowledge is known within the social media market, the expectations are high. The main barricade to a successful adaption of the new software is the messaging platforms which have already achieved a billion-user scale. The dissatisfaction the users of Whatsapp currently have might be a window of opportunity for a new communicating app such as Allo. (Bohn, 2016)

So the question arisen in the article is will Allo compete with Whatsapp or will the community of more than half a million users be enough to keep costumers from other chat apps with more features like Allo. Could the improved communication software Allo replace the current market competitor.



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Can Signal disrupt Whatsapp?




No ratings yet. A few weeks ago I heard a friend of mine: “I am now using Signal instead of Whatsapp, because Signal is more secure.” Then I thought by myself is it really that bad to still use Whatsapp?

When you look at the properties of Whatsapp and Signal they are pretty much the same. The only thing that differs is the fact that Signal is an open source platform. Herewith, they want to guarantee security by enabling anyone to audit the code.

Signal makes it seem like they are the only platform that really protects messages from users by using end-to-end encryption. This means that you and other participants of the conversation are the only ones who can see the messages. But Whatsapp also uses end-to-end encryption. So why should Signal be safer to use than Whatsapp?

I don’t know why. One thing I do know is that Whatsapp still has a lot more users than Signal. Therefore, Whatsapp has a larger network effect compared to Signal; the value of Whatsapp is much higher because they have more users. That’s also why I am still using Whatsapp because all my friends are using it. When I decide to switch to Signal it takes a while for I can take advantage of that again. Furthermore, I am used to work with Whatsapp. Switching costs are high; because when I switch to Signal I have to learn how to work with it (although it will probably work almost the same).

Another communication app, Telegram, also tried to disrupt the market but they not really succeed. They could not compete against big competitor Whatsapp. Now I am wondering if Signal will be a failure too or can it push Whatsapp out of the market? If yes, how long will it take? What do you think?







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Technology Of The Week – Disruption of the Telecom Industry




No ratings yet. The telecom industry has changed substantially in the last decades. This was in large part due to external messaging and calling apps, also called ‘Over-The-Top’ (OTT) services, that use the Internet to make calls and send messages. These services have made messaging and calling much cheaper for the user. The average user sends about 1.200 WhatsApp messages every month. Imagine sending these back in the days, when a text cost €0,20. It would have cost you €240 a month! And this while the cost of a text to the company is less than a cent. In other words, the traditional calling and messaging services were a great source of revenue. The telecom industry claims to have lost 386 billion USD in revenue to OTT services.

For our analysis, we looked at WhatsApp versus Facetime and iMessage. WhatsApp is a smarphone application that allows you to send messages, audio and video through the Internet. It identifies people through phone numbers rather than having to register for a fully separate account. FaceTime and iMessage is an Apple application that enables users to make video and audio calls over the Internet. If you know another Apple user’s phone number or registered email address you can make unlimited calls. These new services were advantageous in many ways. They are of course much cheaper, since you only pay for data. Also, they include more functions, such as group chats or calls and location sharing. Finally, OTT services are great for travelers who can now make international calls for free using Wi-Fi.

Let us now compare the two services to each other. WhatsApp is owned by Facebook, while iMessage and FaceTime are owned by Apple, which have very different business models. WhatsApp has the most users, with one billion users since this year. iMessage and FaceTime are pre-installed on all Apple devices, which also means that their use is restricted. However, this might be an extra incentive for people to buy an iPhone, thus a positive point from Apple’s perspective.

Finally, what do we think will happen in the future? It is clear that OTT services such as WhatsApp and FaceTime and iMessage are taking over the market. Even though telecom companies would like to keep their system of bundling calling and messaging with Internet service, this will likely change. At some point, we expect everything to be Internet-based, and all services will be merged so that you no longer have a separate phone bill and Internet bill. However, telecom companies might respond in different ways: they might be reduced to just the pipeline for Internet, or they might develop competing apps of their own that will form one integrated service. Either way, data access will keep improving, and it will likely become possible to have Internet anywhere in the world without needing to switch SIM cards. Also, the pricing model will probably be based on more, smaller transactions rather than long-term subscriptions. Either way, telecom companies will need to adapt in order to survive. The only certain winner is the consumer.


By Eva Siccama (381230),

Gaston van de Weijer (374902),

Ge Jiang (386449),

and Beibei Wu (457617).


Apple kicks off iPad mini event. (2012). bgr.com. Retrieved 15 September 2016, from
Apple kicks off iPad mini event: 3 million new iPods sold, iOS 6 now on 200 million devices

Petronzio, M. (2014). Average WhatsApp User Sends More Than 1,200 Messages Each Month. Mashable. Retrieved 15 September 2016, from http://mashable.com/2014/02/21/WhatsApp-user-chart/#Z2sPTkzc_Eq8

The Future of Telecom Operators in Europe. (2015). Atkearney.com. Retrieved 15 September 2016, from https://www.atkearney.com/communications-media-technology/ideas-insights/the-future-of-telecom-operators-in-europe

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What is the future of the telecom industry?. (2015). quora.com. Retrieved 15 September 2016, from https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-future-of-the-telecom-industry

WhatsApp has grown to 1 billion users . (2016). theverge.com. Retrieved 15 September 2016, from

WhatsApp. (2016). Wikipedia. Retrieved 15 September 2016, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WhatsApp#cite_note-Statt-2016-02-01-13

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