Is this the end for traditional universities?




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The world of today has become more and more digitalized. This is even slowly changing the global traditional education system. Traditional education requires the students to physical attend classes. Currently, face to face education is slowly disappearing in colleges all around the world. This phenomenon is called distance learning (Moore, 2010). Universities like Oxford, Utrecht and Wageningen are already offering distance learning (Vioreanu, 2017). This concept might sound like a great development for the education industry, and in some ways it is. Hopefully you are able to form your own opinion on distance learning, after reading through this blog.

One of the main advantages is the decrease in costs for universities. Distance learning does not require a classroom, or a physical campus for the students attending the course. It simply only requires a computer that is connected with the internet. This is very cost saving for universities (Kruse, 2004).

Another advantage is the decrease in costs for the students themselves. If they can attend every course online, they will not have to commute or live near their university. This is especially helpful for students in areas where there is no good university nearby.

Personalized learning is also a huge advantage. Combining the concept of distance learning with artificial intelligence, will enable the system to recognize certain patterns that students use. The online learning material will be able to adapt to this, by finding ways to help the student to learn as efficient as possible (Koller, 2011).

However, distance learning also comes with some downsides. One of those downsides, is the lack of social interaction. By taking courses behind your computer, you will not be able to talk to students and teachers compared to traditional education. Social interaction is a fundamental part for the personal development of a student, it is a way that they learn the skills that are necessary for their future jobs (Mahlangu, 2018).

Another drawback is that students are not as motivated than with traditional education. Distance education requires self-motivation. Students attending college have to go to classes, where they have friends and can socialize with new people. It is clear that this is not the case with distance learning, where you are basically studying by yourself. This makes it hard for students to stay motivated (Sherry, 1995).

So what do you think? Is distance learning a hit or a miss, and would you attend it yourself?

Moore, J. L., Dickson-Deane, C., & Galyen, K. (2011). e-Learning, online learning, and distance learning environments: Are they the same?. The Internet and Higher Education, 14(2), 129-135.

Kruse, K. (2004). The benefits and drawbacks of e-learning. Retrieved January, 11, 2009.

Koller, D. (2011). Death knell for the lecture: Technology as a passport to personalized education. New York Times, 5.

Jayadi, P., & Wahid, F. (2019). Information Technology as Science: A New Model for Learning. IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development), 8(1), 16-19.

Vioreanu, D. (2017). 10 great European distance learning universities. Study Portals

Sherry, L. (1995). Issues in distance learning. International journal of educational telecommunications, 1(4), 337-365.

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Is Facebook worth the price?




4.9/5 (10)

It is 8am, you wake up and the first thing you do is scroll through your Facebook to check your feed. You can see what your friends are up to, and who knows it might even brighten up your morning.

Nowadays, Facebook has 2.4 billion users. That is almost 30% of the whole world. Imagine how many people are going through the same ‘waking up’ process as you.

A lot of people just use Facebook, without having any knowledge of the risks attached to it. The consumers usually fill in all their personal information to update their profile without a second thought. This combined with the knowledge of Facebook on what you are interested which creates personalized advertising, means a huge amount of data.

According to research, most people don’t even read the privacy statements before accepting it. Even if you put your settings on private, Facebook still has access to all your data. This leads to the ubiquity of data gathering, storage, analytics and personalizing experiences.

This was one of the reasons for the infamous ‘Cambridge analytica scandal’. Facebook gave Cambridge unauthorized access to 87 million users. Cambridge wanted the data to personalize experiences, optimize sales and maximize return. Their goal was to specifically target a set of customers, who would be interested in certain products/services with the data gathered from social media.

Facebook sharing their data with Cambridge violated citizen rights, because it was given to external parties without their consent. This demonstrated how easy it was for Facebook to share your personal data with other businesses or people. After the scandal, the government set up a set of new laws regarding online privacy, and fined Facebook for 5 billion dollars.

Is it smart to share your personal data on social media? Your privacy is not as private as you might think. However, consumers won’t stop using social media anytime soon. One way to solve this is problem is with the government. They have to set up a set of strict laws and regularly check the social media companie to prevent them from using the data they have in a wrong way.

Do you know any other way to keep your privacy private?


Isaak, J., & Hanna, M. J. (2018). User Data Privacy: Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, and Privacy Protection. Computer, 51(8), 56-59.

Acquisti, A., & Gross, R. (2006, June). Imagined communities: Awareness, information sharing, and privacy on the Facebook. In International workshop on privacy enhancing technologies (pp. 36-58). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Krasnova, H., Eling, N., Abramova, O., & Buxmann, P. (2014, September). Dangers of’Facebook Login’for Mobile Apps: Is There a Price Tag for Social Information?. In ICIS.

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